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Wematin Kuruk, AniWaya

I don't really want Wematin to die, but I want to make him leave with Maska in such a way that emphasizes his mindless obedience to the Chief of the Great Tribe. Therefore, when the new councilman comes and orders Maska to the Great Tribe, could he also order Wematin to take him, and thus defy Maska in a show of how Maska's reign has ended, even over his most trusted Guardians? But until the, Wematin needs to do some serious mofo-ing, so anyone willing to be injured please thread with me? <3

Ralla, AniWaya

*gasp* Ralla's gonna fight!? :O Not quite >_> If anyone has in mind their charrie getting ambushed, Ralla can jump in and make herself useful. She's up for being injured, but not seriously scarred or injured that it'll put her out of commission >_< Since she dances with fire, imagine what kind of awesome fire skills she can bring into fighting >:3 *evil-plot-face*

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