[M] Cower at my feet!
"I will not fight you Saxif. Your right I deserve to die for what I did to Shiloh. I have been plagued with nightmares, her screams of pain and your almost killing me. I will not fight you Saxif. Do as you please. The Great spirits know I deserve what you want to do to me but before you kill me please let me tell you I am sorry. Shiloh did not deserve what I did to her. I was in the wrong and you should have killed me that night. Do your worse," he said throwing down his dagger and waiting for Saxif to attack and kill him.

He thought of his nightmares and Shiloh screams of pain before she passed out. He stood with his arms open, ready for Saxif to take his life. Would she? Only time and her attack could tell him how bad she wanted him dead. [color=green]"At least tell me if she is alive. I have to know if Shiloh is alive,"[color] he whispered as Saxif clawed at him. He didn't move as she slashed at his chest, leaving deep grooves on his chest. He didn't flinch as Saxif continued to to hurt him. He would take it if she could for give him and what he did to her mate.

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