Excitement and Adventures!

Hey there, mind if I join you? (587 words)

It wasn't a very pleasant day to be outside, Liam concluded after about five minutes of lazily walking about, his paws feeling the cold, wet grass under his feet, the small northern breeze whipping at his fur. The day was dim and unwelcoming, the smell of rain still evident among everything around. Birds were chirping madly in the distance, perhaps preparing to migrate south for the winter. Liam wasn't entirely sure when that would happen – after all, this was his first real winter. Last year he'd been born in the middle of it and had been too young to really remember the small crystals that had covered everything for months. The world around him was all a sign that autumn had really set food on the Miracles land and as dreary as some may find it, Liam actually liked it a lot. The leaves as they slowly changed colors – vivid orange and piercing red – were so beautiful.

Liam needed to get out of the house for a little while. He wouldn't go far in case his mother needed him but he would at least try to stretch his legs a little, maybe even bump into some people he could play with that weren't young pups too fragile to tackle or too young to comprehend what roughhousing meant. “Dang it! Almost!” he hissed as he watched his prey scatter away. A tiny squirrel that had been gathering his supply of food for the upcoming season. Liam continued chasing the small creature for a few minutes before its scent led him at the base of a tall tree. He wasn't much of a tree-climber, even in his Optime form. He had tried a couple times and while some trees were easier than others, this one here was a way too steep and didn't have any steady branches for him to grab onto. It didn't matter though. He would find something else to chase! Pawing the ground at the base of the tree, Liam's bi-colored eyes searched his surroundings in sight of his next target. That was when he saw her – about a dozen feet away. A short, sandy brown female with piercing blue eyes. Ah! He knew what his new target was now and in one light bounce Liam was off, running as fast as his long, muscular legs would carry him! Which, for description's sake, was very fast.

He had met Robin Aatte a couple weeks back, before the pups had been born. He had arrived home one day to find her hands on his mother's belly – at first he'd been on his guard, but as the day had carried out he'd learned that she was actually a whole lot of fun. She was really good company – especially during boring days such as this. Liam's black lips twitched into a wide grin as he carefully snuck behind a tree, unseen. His bi-colored eyes were locked on the female as she cartwheeled about. He continued this for about two minutes, up until Robin stopped and began speaking to a beautiful horse. Liam waited patiently, crouched down, ready to pounce. Liam decided it was time when Robin started doing cartwheels again, the mare still there, watching the female like Liam had been doing for a few minutes.

One steady leap was all Liam needed. When Robin was half-way through her cartwheel, standing upside down, he pounced onto her, a playful look in his eyes. “Boo!” he said in his husky, semi-masculine voice.

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Table by Kit.

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