Shut up.

The cold hard truth of the matter.

Teo wasn't in the mood for this. The moment he saw her clutching what could've been his kid (as much as it could've been Giuseppe's, which people didn't seem to realize at all), he sighed audibly. Her words stung but he had full intentions of ignoring her hate for now. He had more important matters to attend to.

Gemma, calm down and listen a second, okay? He put up his hands defensively, keeping himself at a distance. Just, listen.

Then, before she could respond or tell him to leave again, he got right down to the naked truth of the matter.

Jaden's not going to get better here. The caves are dark and cold and not a good place for a sick pup. He's in pain every time I see him, including now. Mixed eyes glanced at the pup and a pang of hurt flooded through him. He hated seeing the kid so weak and troubled.

I want to help. This is the only offer I'll make though. I'm leaving Anathema. I'm sick of the drama. I'm sick of living in caves. I want the moon back. The sun.

He paused, then stood straighter. I want my family to have a chance at living instead of dwelling. Now, either you're going to swallow your pride and accept my offer, or else you'll get to sit here and watch as your son dies. Ouch. His tone wasn't hurtful, it was serious. He didn't want to scare her but sometimes it was the only way to get a point through quickly.

He had little time left. Giuseppe would be back soon. Alaki would notice Teo's not being there. He had to go. Come with me. Bring Jaden. I know where to find more advanced healers. They can help him. You've just gotta trust me, okay? I hurt you. I'm sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am.

Another pause, and this time his shoulders slumped. I don't want to see Jaden die. I don't want to see you lose another child. These caves won't help. He stifled any more words and held out his hand.

Run away with me.

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