Friendship fight
Mido cheerfully asked where she got the brace, Fara snapped to attention as the male broke her train of thought." Oh sorry wasn't paying attention, sorry, any way so where I got the brace right. Well when I was little i had a sister who was about the same age as me, on her first birthday not that long ago we took her out to the woods for a special suprise. It was the brace that I'm wearing right now. My mother and I found it along our usual hunting grounds burried in a little rabbit den."

"It was extremely bright that day so my mother could see it from a mile away. So anyway we hid it in a abandoned den. When we brought my sister there imediatly saw it glinting in the den, she drove her paw through the centre of it and admired it on her. "How do I look," jilian asked me. All of us laughed causually, thats when it happened. The tan blurr rushed through the bushes and lept out at my sister, it happened so fast no one had time to react before it sank its teeth into her neck. Then It was gone, back into the bushes with her before we had a chance to react. When it hit me I raced into the undergrowth, but it was to late." Fara fell silent and collapsed, burrying her head in her paws. Weaping!

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