A Long Trek

Naniko's mother had told her a long time ago, when she'd told Naniko about boy-wolves and girl-wolves, and what all went on between them...about how dangerous it was to be pregnant and be a werewolf. Once you found out that you were pregnant you needed to choose form and stay in that form, or the pups could be damaged from all of the shifting. Organs moving around, changing...she could imagine how that might harm growing puppies. "I'm probably not the most skilled around, but I really like working with plants and animals, so I spend all of my spare time dabbling in it." She nodded.

"Actually, I can lift you, if you wouldn't mind it." Naniko was very large, as werewolves go, much bigger than anyone else in the pack. She would be able to easily lift Savina up the few stairs that led up to the porch and parlor. "The only way you could repay me would be for you to get better"


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