Tell me why I all ways fall for your ty[p]e?
Yes she can come with him. I don't think Rain will like Ichika. But he doesn't want to take Sam from her home either. He already has a part of the cave to himself but they could be mated and not have to move. Sam could visit him for extended periods of time and vice versa

Rain took her out stretched hand and after a few moments pulled her close, lacing his fingers with hers. He slowly pulled her to him and calmed a little as she spoke. She wanted to be with him no matter what. When she said she would move for him he let her go. "I am not that greedy Sam. I wouldn't ask you to live with me. You have a family here. We can switch off. We will get mated here. I can take you home with me and you can live with me for a while and vice vera. We wont have to leave our homes." he said just as Sams otter pawed at him to pick her up. He knelt down and picked the otter up to have it lick at him and cuddle against him.

He held the otter close, cradling her as if she were a pup. He loved the closeness she gave him and felt his anger and confusion leave as he tickled the otters little stomach and felt her nip at his fingers. "How old is she? I had a mink like her once. She was all I had for most of my time here. I just had let her go when I met you... I want a family so bad Sam. I could never ask you for that but maybe.... his voice died out and he rubbed the otters stomach softly, feeling it play and swat at his hands. If there was anything he had wanted more then a mate was a family and knew that went the time came him and Sam would have a family.

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