A bored afternoon

I understand you fine this time too, no worries!

This was a peculiar character, no mistake. He was very forthcoming, which Skoll appreciated, but also somewhat strange. His name seemed to be a point of pride, given how he swelled a little bit in telling it, and seemed to be a drifter, by what he described. Skoll could relate to that, he had traveled for two and a half years after his exile from his home pack, and been settled here for the last three and a half. Remaining in one place had its perks, and it had its pitfalls, too. In his case, his sense of responsibility kept him from wandering too far from home...he was the pack's protector, it wouldn't do for him to be so far away he couldn't maintain his duty. He wasn't in much shape for fighting right now, but he still felt odd about going any further our than the Dampwoods.

"Not at all," he replied, "I wasn't doing anything but enjoying the scents and sounds of these woods, which...got old faster than I thought it would. I'm on the mend from a battle I had recently, so I'm taking a little time off from patrolling the borders of Shadowed Sun, which is my pack." So, they'd both put their names and homes on the table, where to go from here? He knew one question he wanted to ask.

"Who are the members of your pack? A lot of wolves recently migrated from over those mountains," he pointed up at the distant peak of Halcyon Mountain, "After a massive fire ravaged that place. I lost track of a lot of people I knew, and I'm not aware of where all of them have settled, yet." Hopefully, this new wolf could give him some answers, though he might not have been around long enough to know all of his packmates by name yet, Skoll didn't know.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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