Burning down bridges..
http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... bottom.jpg) no-repeat bottom; width: 450px; border: #666666 1px solid;">

Sure thing. Considering Hel is new, I'm thinking she'd just wait for the information.

Hel had said goodbye to Styx that morning. She'd embraced him tightly and left him the bow and a few of her shorter knifes. She did have a blade with her, but the knapsack held cloth, beads and small items of jewellery she had made. This time, diplomacy was key. While she held the persona of Nott, she did also play Hel, the merchant. She was a harmless shifter. She'd traded camouflage for garishly bright clothes today, a yellow cloak with rusty leaves sewn on her hood. She smelled heavily of her mate, an intoxicating smell and she was happy for it. Slowly, almost wearily, she started making her way back through the town. The woods offered shelter but she had to see. Soon, she and Styx would have to move, to start looking for others. For Connor.

Her steps were not hidden, but she wasn't doing it too loudly. Her knapsack rattled and shook and slowly Hel found herself drifting off, thinking of the differences. They did not live in towns. Why? Did they hate the humans that much? She would have loved to find a cottage for her and Styx, they weren't big on the outdoors, not when they sometimes found beds and cloth, good cloth she could use. And it was shelter, it was a house they could call home. Her resolve hardened. She would live in a house here no matter what. No matter what the others thought. Her nose twitched. Unfamiliar scent. A new shifter. Shifter? Her steps quickened and soon Hel turned a corner and saw the female. She had piercings and for one fleeting moment she thought of Styx again and a pang of emotion hit her. But she quickly stopped that train of thought. Not now. Hello? Hel tried not to startle the woman.


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