Summer Storm

hahahahahha | +321

Laughing at Jace as she bounced on the bed amid the cloud of dust that had formed around her, Temo waved a hand in front of his face in a failed attempt at clearing the dust from the air that he breathed in. As the dust cloud expanded like an explosion from the middle of the bed, Temo let out a dust ridden sneeze which caused the dust to swirl around them even more for a few moments.

A forming sneeze interrupted and forgotten by Jace when she grabbed onto his arms and pulled him onto the bed. With more dust billowing out and around them, he squirmed around trying to sit up when out of the swirling dust a pillow rapidly approached him and soon made contact with his head poofing out more dust into the air causing the swirls to thicken.

Amid the dust and the pillow that seemed bent on attacking his head, he managed to grab the other pillow and swing back in self defense. With even more dust added to the swirling mass that was around them, he managed to whack Jace a couple of times on her head before the old and partially rotten fabric of the pillow split from the harsh treatment.

With the sudden removal of the containing properties of the pillow case, the down feathers that were, until now, being a pillow, were suddenly set free to fly about through the air to dance with the dust. Temo dropped the material that once was a pillow and grabbed Jace's arms attempting to protect himself from her continued hitting him with a pillow. He hung onto her as he laughed and half choked from the dust he was inhaling, the down feathers settling on and around them like some weird snow fall with what sun that could find it's way through the dust to illuminate the mess that was collecting on and around them.

Image courtesy of randompointoflife@Flickr

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