Time and Time again
I need air conditioning in this house x_x -pants- And yes they are. What nerds. <3 We could invite someone to just come in and be like "what r u doin u freakzz?@?"

Ember was enjoying herself for the first time in a long time. Sure, she'd had fun doing things--but she'd never met anyone who liked doing some of the same things she did...or who got excited about the little things like she did. It was really refreshing. A lot of the time she felt like she was around strangers even when she was around her own family. All of them had been apart for so long that, at times, blood didn't seem to matter any more.

"Definitely wider." Ember looked at the hole after a while, shaking her head. "I think we can do better." She dug for a bit longer, then pulled back again. "There. /now/ it's perfect. But there's something missing. I think we need to build a huge sandcastle!"


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