Time and Time again
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 4w6s2b.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 500px; border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #000;">
I was actually thinking that myself XD We totally need someone to come in and be all like “WTF?” Let us invite someone. Has Ember been shifted or no? I assume for sand castles they need thumbs and hands?

      Cercelee smiled as the ebony coated female appraised their work and went back in to make it wider. The slim rosea sat out as the other worked, watching the process was almost as fun as doing it one’s self. It was not long before the Ember emerged again and pronounced that the result of all their handy work was perfect. And Cercelee had to agree, it was a damn fine hole. Wide enough for them both to stand in and deep enough for them to lay in and be hidden. One could bury a body in the hole, but Cercelee did not think of that. Her mind was on much lighter issues.

      Cercelee’s ears perked. A sand castle? Cercelee knew the word, had an image in her head, but she had never seen an actual sand castle, let alone build one herself. It would require the workings of a hand, which in her current form she did not have the use of. Smiling at her companion, she spoke cheerfully. "Have you ever built a sand castle before? Does the sand have to be wetter?" Cercelee would wait for the answers before she shifted into her were form. Although she was not shy about being a luperci, and did make use of two legs and opposable thumbs occasionally, she rarely shifted in front of others, and would wait to see what Ember did first.

Table by Tammi!


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