Burning down bridges..
http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... bottom.jpg) no-repeat bottom; width: 450px; border: #666666 1px solid;">

It's up to you. I'll reply as if she knows who Iskata is and then the Isk/Styx thread happened before. She would have returned to camp, yes. EDIT: If Iskata tells Styx about the fire, Hel will ask anyway, because she needs to hear it first hand if possible. If you don't want to go through that again, Iskata could just focus on the part about packs. Whichever you prefer =)

A nagging feeling in Hel's mind. Iskata, Iskata, where... Oh. Yes. Styx had mentioned it. The night before. Hel saw this lapse in her memory as a testimony to the lack of sleep. She still felt time zone issues and her body required sleep it could not get. All of this, this weariness, could make her lose her cool. She nearly had, with that non-shifter female. She needed to stay cool, she had to remain the calm detached Monster of Niflheim, dealer in death and eternal misery. That frame of mind calmed her, as did Iskata's next words. At least she did not fear the weapons. In Europe, it can be dangerous to go unarmed. It is merely a precaution. As I said, I am a merchant. I trade, I do not fight. Now this, of course, was a lie, but no need to tell everyone of her plan. That would defeat the purpose. Loki would have her head for blowing covers.

You met my mate, Styx. He told me of your strange reaction to our fire, despite his precautions. He is good at keeping things under control. She tried to keep the same friendly tone but hearing about the fire, about packs, got her attention completely. So there was something afoot here. And Iskata seemed to know something about it. Hel had to find out. She quickly twisted the knapsack to her front and rummaged around quickly, her fingers closing in on a necklace she had done not long ago. It was scented wood, with a shifted wolf's paw as the medallion and beads running left and right of it, a simple but beautiful thing. She walked towards Iskata, smiling, and said,
Merchants trade. In Europe. I offer you this, in exchange for your story. What fire? And what packs? Hel had interest and curiosity in her eyes. A slightly fake reaction, but she did need to find out something. Which, inevitably, she would share with Styx. So she pricked her ears and listened intently.


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