When you watch the stars, what do you see?
Out of Character

Kostya is also in Optime form. Word count 400 exactly XD

In Character

Grumbling quietly to himself at the pain in his paws Kostya trudged onwards along the road. He wasn't in a particularly good mood at the moment, having been forced to change into Optime mode by rough road, his larger bipedal form being more suited to walking along it. He was also feeling some strain from the journey in general, which was slightly depressing as he had once been able to keep up a brisk pace for nearly an entire day; living in the same general area for a few months had left him less suited for long journeys, something he made a mental note to rectify.

Still his goal should be worth it. According to the loners he had encountered back up north this road led to an old city known as Halifax.

Cities fascinated Kostya; for someone who had spent nearly his entire life in the wilderness it was a novel experience being in a heavily urban environment. It was a new experience for him, living within travelling distance of a city, and one he planned to take advantage of and have a nose around. Another plus was that he had heard that there was a university in the area. Once he had had a look round he planned to scan through the university and see if there were any books left intact. Reading wasn't something he did often but he wouldn’t say no to the opportunity to get some practise in.

Suddenly he was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of somebody singing. Realising that he had started to daydream he jumped sideways off the road towards the trees and listened. Now that he was focusing he could also smell fire and cooking food. Curious he carefully followed the smell until he could see the glow of a fire through the trees.

Peeking through the trees he saw a white furred female, sitting on a boulder near a fire and cooking pot. He stiffened in alarm slightly as he saw the woman was armed and his hand drifted towards his own knife, but after watching for a short while he decided that the woman had not seen him, and didn’t seem like a threat either way. Walking out of the trees casually, arms down by his sides unthreateningly, he greeted the woman, "Didn't except ta' meet anyone out here, the names Kostya, nice ta' meet ya'"

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