Burning down bridges..
Iskata nodded in agreement when the lady mentioned that Styx had informed her of their meeting, her announcement of her interest in trade and if Iskata was guessing right by the looks it made Iskata watch her for more than a moment. She wasn't for sure if having someone who could bring more powerful weapons than tooth and nails to a battle was the type of person these lands needed, tilting her head to the side she asked with a hint of worry, "I'd hope there were some limits on your trades there.. There's many that would use your trades for the bad. Let's hope you don't peddle in too many of the manmade weapons.." She fingered the scars around her wrists from the fight so long ago with Ahren as she watched the lady. Knowing that if presented to the wrong folks that Hel's trade wares would be an dangerous weapon(already they were dangerous weapons if she sold items like those she protected herself with), something that wasn't needed in these lands with the corrupt indiviuals roaming about.

Hel's words changed to the topic of Iskata's story as she brought forth a lovely necklace. Suddenly Iskata began to doubt that the lady's wares were more than lovely trinkets and useable items of interest, atleast she clearly hope that. She stole a gaze at the lady's face though her eyes sparked with interest as she watched the lady warrior bring the strange jewelry forward to present to the silver and gold lady. She wasn't for certain why the lady wanted to know her story, but she sighed and shook her head. "I don't need trade for my story, anyone in these lands could tell it." Her eyes grew distant as her sight fell on the mountains in the distance where from the top there was a devastating view of destruction across the miles.

Her voice was soft as she began. "I wasn't here when the fires broke out, I was returning from one of the city ports in America, my children had sailed off to Ireland and I'd seen them go. I'd returned within a week after the fires had claimed the lands, but I had friends and family plenty here who retold the tale. There had been the packs of Storm, Clouded Tears, Jaded Shadows and the coyote clan Inferni. There had been two others but one had been disbanded and the other had nearly been destroyed by the coyotes. The fire broke out and devoured all the lands, it would have taken the packs too if they hadn't been alerted and ran for their lives. I lost my son in the fires, and my mate disappeared shortly after.. he'd been going to find Icarus.. but some scavengers found him first." Iskata shook her head sadly as she turned her gaze back to the lady before her and shrugged. "Everyone fled over the mountain and in the panic it seemed that everyone had been scattered to the winds. New packs were formed, the only ones that stayed together were the coyotes of Inferni.. " She had wished that the coyotes hadn't stayed together, it would have made their lives easier, but it hadn't happened and they were stuck with it.

Looking at the lady for a second as she hesitated she went on, speaking of the new world. "Now, there's of course Inferni, and Twilight Vale was formed by my daughter and her mate, most of the pack is family, while the rest of my family seemed to reside in Dahlia de Mai, which is ran by my two brother's children. At the bas eof the mountain Shadowed Sun took up residency, a pack devoted to learning and scholars.. I was part of Labyrinth Glen but our pack is no more while it looks like the settlers on the coast.. Insieme have more than disappeared too... It's sad when the strongest forces seem to be the clan who have their members are bloodthirsty and crazed with hate for the wolves, and the other half can't nor won't stand up for their own friends." she shook her head once more and sighed, turning her sharp eyes back to the lady as she tried to mask her sorrow with disgust. "Now you see why I was so distressed. The packs use to be strong, now they are barely holding on, one only seems to be driven by their hate for the coyotes with the coyotes hate in turn.. and Shadowed Sun, hell, they hardly ever leave their packlands it's seems. Noses in books and all. Not that I have a problem with learning.. but it's like everything and everyone there is behind closed doors now. I just miss the way it use to be.. before the wars and fires reigned." She knew she was just being wistful but there was nothing else she could really do but dream, and dreaming only got you so far.

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