M- New Generation

(3+)OOC dribbles

He hefted her upright, her petite paw dwarfed by his huge fist, he mentally compared the sizes and looking pensive before nodding at her words, he followed after her as she left, slipping inside of his own room that he shared with his daughter and shut the door, blocking out the majority of their voices. What he could hear was mumbled garble that made no sense. The room made him feel claustrophobic and itchy, the idea of all that earth on top of him made the austral man cringe. He longed to feel the wind in his fur and the sun on his face and he had only been living in the room for a few hours.

León reached for one of his bags and dug around in it until his fingers grasped around the neck of a cool glass bottle and he pulled it from the bag. A half full bottle of unlabelled amber liquid came into view from the other contents and he sat down upon his bed of furs with a loud sigh and unscrewed the lid before taking a deep drink from it. The spanish whiskey burned as it went down, it always did no matter how much he drank. He didn't take much from the bottle into his body, just enough that his depression and feeling of being unwanted went away and his mind no longer dwelled in a vat of its own depression, he blocked out the Aniwaya conflict and the fact that the woman he was about to sleep with was practically unwilling.

After waiting an appropriate amount of time for them to conclude the discussion that was undoubtedly about him he stood an exited his room, nodding silently to Io as he passed her by and flipped the curtain to the pup's room. The golden yote was already sat on the bed waiting for him and he cleared his throat awkwardly to announce his presence even though it was unnecessary,

"Eff you are not wanting to do thees, I am not going to force you."

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