burn the land and boil the sea
"You should come and visit." Conri concluded after a quiet moment, drawing his gaze back down the beach. "I think Naniko might be happy to see you." And Conri wasn't quite up for trying to drag a pregnant woman all around the lands trying to find their old Alpha. "Or, if you ever get tired of this place, you could stay in Twilight Vale. Not even as a pack member, just as a friend." Especially when winter came, he supposed, since they hadn't quite experienced a winter in the new lands. If the weather back in Bleeding Souls was any sign, he supposed the winters in this area would prove to be just as rough.

"Unless you're happy here, of course.." But the words came with a hint of curiosity. Was he happy here? Had he been living his life in a pack where he was just simply unhappy? The young leader wasn't sure, nor was he quite fond of the idea that it could be true. There had to be something about Clouded Tears or the members of the pack that he had enjoyed, at least a little bit.


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