Don't come knocking at my door [Part 2]
OOC: BITCH FIGHT Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin +3

Oh hell no. The depression was shoved back once again as Gemma opened her nasty little mouth and continued to spout off angry words. Tawny slowly stood once again, the submission falling away from her body with every inch. Soon enough her ears were tilted forward, tail held out straight, the fluff on the back of her neck and back stood up sharply and she stared Gemma in the eyes. The darker girl was pretty small compared to the lighter one, being both shorter and not as fluffy or curvy. That didn’t stop her from standing up for what she thought was right, however, and she growled right back at Gemma.
You act l-like a b-b-baby! The words were sharp, almost a bark as she took a small step closer, little hands balling into fists at her sides. There was a puppy in Gemma’s arms, which was one of the only reasons Tawny hadn’t taken a swing yet. H-he loves you, and you know it! S-stop being a b-brat! Her little foot stomped down on the ground, showing her frustration and inability to lash out at the other woman. Thank goodness for the little baby, else they’d both be sporting some cuts fairly soon. Gemma’s next words made her head tilt to the side, trying to understand why she would care about what Teo’s lineage was.
After a few moments she snorted and shook her head slowly, baring her teeth at the woman again. Teo…Angel, is him. Dog and C-coy…are them. Not all together, same. She shook her head more and growled softly, simply amazed that this woman hated wolves, possibly all wolves, for any reason. S-stupid…so stupid… Her words trailed off and the room was silent for a few moments, only the sounds of whimpering and wheezing coming from the bundle in Gemma’s arms. Tawny’s eyes widened and she frowned, looking up at the woman’s face.
He is…sick. She backed up again and leaned against the wall, staring at the two with seemingly uncaring eyes. Angel can help.

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