Time and Time again

The thought hit her like a ton of bricks."I can't make one...a sandcastle. I can't shift."She whispered. She had tried so hard to do it with Lubomir that she'd become exhausted after only a half an hour of focusing. She really really wanted this, but her body didn't seem to want to cooperate. Maybe there was something wrong with her...maybe some part of her was disabled, or she had some illness that made her unable to shift. Both her mother and father could, so she ought to have been able to.

"I've tried a few times, and I've only made it there once....with intense pain and struggle. Ever since then, since I shifted back to this, I haven't been able to. I'm really scared to even try--every time I do it hurts just as bad as the first time." She looked down at the ground, ears wilting. "Yes...the sand needs to be a lot wetter. We'd need to move closer to the water."


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