A bored afternoon

Skoll's eyes widened in surprise, and then he snorted. How strange. He never expected these people to actually take up arms against the people murdering him. When he had fought Inferni, people he had spoken to either had no power, or they sided with Inferni. They took the word of puppy-killers over his own...for no reason, whatsoever. The only real rationalization was fear. They thought that if they took Inferni's side, they could be the devil's right hand, rather than in his path. Such people made him sick to his stomach.

"No, though I'm surprised anyone's doing anything. Back when I fought Inferni, people seemed quite eager to make me the villain in the situation. Not in a hurry to get on Inferni's back side, willing to turn on well-meaning individuals who crossed them. I'm glad to hear someone's finally doing something." He would wish them luck...it was a shame that he couldn't take part himself, but after his battle with SteelRose he wouldn't accomplish much. His risk of death would go up considerably as well...and it would be a shame to die if he wasn't at his strongest.

"I'm afraid I don't know the two names you mentioned. Are you planning to take part in this war? Seems like bad timing on your part to be here just as things get started up." It was how he had spent his youth, traveling from pack to pack, asking if they were in any sort of conflict and had need of a warrior. Nevertheless, it was a pretty stupid way to live...the normal thoughts regarding such a situation would undoubtedly be that it was quite a bad turn of luck.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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