A bored afternoon


Des didn’t quite understand the other surprise, or was it irritation? So there had been tention between the wolves and the coyotes before, Des wasn’t used to having to deal with other races. Back in his old land, there had been tention between the clans and of course the struggle against the weather, but there had not been any competing species. He hadn’t thought too much of his old pack during his years of drifting, he had been much too consumed with rage, but it was clear that as he continued to stay on this land, his thoughts drifted more and more to the memory of what he had had and what he had lost. There was no comparison. The land he now had arrived in contained only savages, no traditions, no respect for warriors, no celebration of a great kill. He had only his old trofees to remember his success by, and he kept them close to his heart and wore them proudly in shifted form. But what was the point when no one understood what they meant? To most, they were only accessories, beads and feathers.

Heh, yes, probably not the best timing, but at least I get to see some action. He smirked and tossed his head to the side. Killing rabbits for sport isn’t exactly fun… Not that he didn’t do it. I don’t understand why anyone would make a villain out of someone who tries to protect them from evil. If I’m attacked or someone I care about is threatened, I don’t stand by watching. The warrior inside him was winning over the Don Juan, something that had been quite opposite since he had joined Dahlia de Mai, it was those bloody females!

Has there always been tension between the coyotes and “us”? And why haven’t you just exterminated them? You are in larger number, and bigger and stronger, why don’t you unite? Lots of questions, but the black male didn’t care for people who didn’t stand up for themselves and still nagged about how everything was so bad, it annoyed him.

The leaders of my pack, Cercelee and Haku, have requested that we try get help from other packs, Dahlia de Mai isn’t so big, and it doesn’t really consist of what I would call warriors… he looked at the stranger, weird how he could discuss such matters with a wolf whom he barely knew. But it wasn’t like he could talk to any of the others, maybe Haku, but he didn’t know him and approaching the alpha when he himself was at such a low rank. But maybe there was a rank opportunity with this war, if he only could prove himself. But then again, he would probably just screw up as he sometimes were quite more interested in the opposite sex than in battles and fights. And like he had thought before, there was a lot of females in his pack, and some of them were bound to be lonely, not that he would ever settle for one. His anger and rage had already blocked out the possibility for him to love.


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