Summer Storm

I found a way for luperci to use skateboards, lol. | +311

Laying on his back with his head on her stomach and raising and falling each time she took a breath, Temo watched the feathers weaving in and among the dust particles that sparkled in the beams of sunlight as they floated down to a horizontal surface. Every once in a while when a feather got close to him, he would blow it back up into the air and away from him.

With eye lids half closed and his breaths slowing as he rested from the exertions of the pillow fight which was something he had never done before, he pondered her question of what to do with the food storage boxes. His thoughts went over several ideas on getting them out of the house and then where to take them and how to get them there.

"Those boxes are most likely going to be heavy," he said to Jace as he pondered an idea that came to him. "I saw some of these short pieces of wood about so long," He raised his hands up palms towards each other with about 2 feet of distance between them showing the approximate length of the boards he was talking about. "And they have wheels on them. We could put them under the boxes. That would make it easier to move them."

He thought some more, "As to where to put them..." his voice trailed off while he considered the various prospects. After a few moments, an idea came to him, "We could take them down the street to an overgrown spot that has no house and dump them, Open them up and let the stuff inside finish rotting as it should. It should be far enough away that we would not be smelling them all the time." He turned his head and looked at her to see what she thought of the idea.

Image courtesy of randompointoflife@Flickr

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