Could you tell?

OCTonguelease edit your post to leader needed. :> Noah can't help but to be very protective of the pack lands. WC::3+

The male give the other being the right he had earned by being truthful, and letting his tell answer his questions. ”Well...” Noah started, this was tricky. The male did kill someone and one of the reason he was thankful to be in these pack lands was because it was peaceful. Noah had left the Valley where his father had tormented and raped just about every female that walked in the lands. ”I understand.” He did, if someone (well other then close family) came and was trying to hurt Jace, Temo or Rendall the male would snap and given the fact that this was an act of being a hero.

”Oh Noah.” The male said as he had been caught off guard, he had to find the logic and the truth in whether or not to escort the male away from the lands to make him seek forgiveness from the lands that he wanted to live in. He looked into the male’s eyes, wanting to see if they where shaded over.

Standing there looking at him, the male took his only good working paw, taking one of the claws as he drew it up to his own lips ”Shhh…” The male whispered, he wanted to see deep into him. After a few minutes of standing there in utter silence the silver male lifted his mouth to the sky calling for one of the leaders. ”We are family. “ Noah had a very hard time with talking, and trying to explain everything about the pack was going to be hard for him. ”We are all o..on…one” It was hard for the male to tell other’s about the ways of the lands. ”Ichika is feeling” That was really the best thing that he knew how to say. Noah had been here since the pack started, and he planned to die in these lands.


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