down and dirty
ooc: I love these two, they are so horribly wrong to see together but make the best of friends.

She growled and grumbled as she firmly planted the stones she had found around the base of the pike, then stood stupidly, holding the wolf skull as she realized she had no way of replacing the skull atop the pike now that it was at it's full height. The small woman dropped the skull to the ground and stomped her little feet before kicking out at the skull and glaring like it was all it's fault some stupid trespasser had decided to play games on their borders. She spat at the base of the pike and ignored the problem of replacing the skulls as she began to dig another hole to replace another fallen spike. She was not amused in the slightest, but she would fix the warning beacons at their borders so the next would be a little wiser to the caution signs.. or not, she wouldn't mind maiming a wolf or two for showing such disrespect.

The woman had almost finished the deep hole when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. She slowly back out of the hole and raised up onto her toes like a prairedog of sorts, sniffing the air and scanning the space about her before dropping down on all fours again. She flicked her oversized ears back and forth, still gathering that something wasn't quite right as she growled softly. The only scents she could catch were those of clan members, the scents of intruders stale and fading fast. No scent that she caught seemed suspicious so she returned to the mundane task of hauling another pike towards the large hole and trying to position it into the correct location without herself falling into the dark pit as well. She would not be pleased at being squished in a hole with one of the pikes at all.[/html]

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