the girl with kaleidoscope eyes
The dark, wet weather was really beginning to lose its appeal these days, in Poe D'Angelo's eyes. Quietly raging, haunting, life-giving, rain had always had a positive effect on the girl, particularly in the summer months when it came down in plump, soft drops and collected in warm pothole-pools. But when it came day after day, the mystique wore off to a degree, and Poe had begun collecting a few umbrellas on her regular city-scrounging. Today it was a clear plastic one, with a blue rim carrying bright yellow ducks with orange bills. Designed for children, no doubt, but so much of her attire often was--today, it was a Little Bo Peep dress, pale blue with layers of white frills and short, puffed sleeves. She could have walked right out of a story book, if it weren't for the loot-pack she kept slung over her shoulder, clanking with wine bottles and stolen jewelry.

Down a side-street and onto another road, she moved with only the vaguest of direction, eyes scouring the dusty shop windows for something eye-catching. A puppy falling through a window certainly achieved this, and with a quick gasp and a startled "Shit," Poe jogged up to the child. Her attention went first to the gaping space in the window, half expecting to come face to face with a deranged adult (oh, what a twisted moment for her mind to swing back to the comfortable confines of Hollow Nothing) or a mischievous child, but there was nothing. Seemingly without an ounce of natural maternal urge, Poe looked back at the boy with raised brows. "You okay, kid?"


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