watch the wild horses

OOC:: Blahblahblah

His excuse was poor, but still his offer was generous. Io shrugged, 'It has been two months' she noted calmly, meaning little in the way of malice. He spoke again, inviting her to acompany him. She frowned, she knew that tone, she used that tone. One that told her he wished to be alone and that his offer was half hearted. But Io had left the house for one thing, company and she wasn't about to just leave.

Io stood up, her tail hanging limply behind her. 'I accepted your invitation' she said, softly, after all he had offered. 'And I assume it extends to Andrej' she added, pronouncing his name with ease. The cat scoffed,'Ere now, I ahm eh cat, I wander wherever iye wish' he paused, jumping down and striding out of the caves with a gentle brush against Io's legs, 'Iye need no dogh's permission'.

Following Andrej, Io departed from the room with a flick of her white tipped tail. He had larger strides than her, and was faster than her therefore he'd catch her up even with a headstart in her favour.

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