All the things you didn't know

Cercelee stood silent atop her boulder, thoughtfully considering what each member of her pack had to say. No one mentioned Colibri’s abandonment, and no one objected to Haku’s position, which was a relief to the female. The newer members of course knew no different, and Mew was already aware of the situation, but Slay and Hanna seemed content with her decision and that made her feel more confident about it. Cercelee listened as Haku spoke of the Inferni situation, noting that he left out the details about his attack on Inferni’s borders, but perhaps now was not the time or place. And it really did not change their position. Inferni was still after them and the pack still had to know and decide what to do. Only Windseeker and Slay seemed to hold back or lack any enthusiasm for Haku’s announcement of war. Inwardly Cer smiled at their reserve, for it mirrored her own, but outwardly she expressed no emotions differently towards any of the members. The year and a half rosea did not agree with the war, but she knew that Inferni was past the talking stage and would not be content with a true, and that until one or the other group admitted defeat they would not have peace. Cercelee just hoped that the peace came swiftly and without many losses.
Some of the words that came from the members surprised her. Prisoners of war? Windseeker’s comment came back to her along with Hanna’s suggestion. Red Sol. He was completely innocent, Cer knew that without a doubt and the memory of that night would have made her flush red if she was not covered head to toe in white fur. "No. We will not be hostile outright to any and all coyotes, do not attack those on our border until they give you reason. Our fight is not with coyotes as a species, it is with the clan Inferni, and them only. You may be suspicious of anyone who comes to the border, but do not assume because they have a sandy pelt and larger ears than us they are here for blood. Make no hasty actions against them but do not let your guard down either. Remain safe but fair." Perhaps Haku would disagree, but Cercelee got say over what happened within the pack lands.
The last to speak was the newest male, Desaevio. Cercelee was delighted that although he surely knew few of them he spoke so openly and contributed so much. And by his words he seemed to know of which he spoke. Cercelee glanced at Haku to see if he had made the same observation, for perhaps Haku would want Desaevio to help with whatever Haku planned, if the newer male was willing. However he had the same concerns as some of the others, and the same ideas for alliances. Cercelee sighed softly. It would not be so easy. "True our numbers are low, however I do not think any of you should count on alliances from the other packs. I do not think many of them agree with the war and they wish mostly to keep their own packs safe by keeping them out of the fray." That had been the impression she got from the leader meeting and she doubted that they would be changing their minds. "I would, if any of you are so inclined, look for alliances with friends and family that are sympathetic to our pleas. You may have more luck there. I do however wish to make one thing clear. I will not require you to fight for us. The only thing I ask of you, aside from being aware of this whole matter, is that you do protect our borders and if you find one of your fellow pack mates in need than you come to their assistance." Cer’s eyes scanned the members. No she would not ask them to sacrifice themselves, Haku could not override her there either, but they did have to remain loyal to the pack. As that was all she planned to do.


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