A bored afternoon

Skoll's not too fond of Inferni or how people generally don't deal with them XD

Skoll was saddened that he couldn't aid in this new effort. He also pitied Dahlia, because he expected them to meet with the same situation he had: wanting desperately to rid the world of this menace, and being surrounded by people too afraid of civilized to actually deal with the problem. Laruku had told him that Inferni would never be destroyed, that numbers would always surge in to strengthen and replace any damage dealt to it. He had been through enough wars to know this wasn't the case, to recognize that this was another way of avoiding responsibility for one's own situation. Pretending that Inferni was unstoppable, that there was nothing anyone could do helped people to cave in to their inner fears. It wasn't just Laruku he knew, but he believed the younger man was echoing a general superstition, a lack of confidence in the face of a feral and more brutal enemy.

If he had five good people, a posse of choice soldiers from his old army, he was certain that he could push Inferni out, slay what Lykois remained, and be done. Perhaps there were Lykois elsewhere, but the fact was that only fools would return knowing that people resided here who would purge any members of that vile family, and those that were fools could march into the maw of death over and over, until they spent their blood against their foes and extinguished their threat forever. The fact was that a bottom line existed, pretending that your enemy was invincible was the game of a shaken man, or a coward. Far greater powers than Inferni had fallen without rising again. There was even a living example within Bleeding Souls. Aremys had never made Inferni pay for their travesty, and they had never returned. Their families had never exacted blood vengeance against Inferni. No, fatalism was not the answer here.

"I can tell them what is happening, but do not expect much. I have been down that road, and I applaud your pack for taking it, but if the same wolves hold sway today as did back then, they will keep their heads down, maybe pat Dahlia on the back if they succeed, or deny any affiliation with them and call them belligerent fools if they lose. You are surrounded by wolves of words, not wolves of action. I'm glad someone has finally seen the worthlessness of words against men of action, like the Inferni leader. I wish you luck, and can only hope you find another pack leader sympathetic to your cause. As for mine...she is a good person, but I doubt she will assist you."

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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