The morning after

Sax is getting more comfortable... slight PP with checking wounds, can change if need be.


The huntress smiled when the male accepted her offer and she easily supported his weight after a near unnoticeable struggle to help him to his feet. This made her glad knowing that even with her lack of training and hunting her strength was staying fairly intact. I’ll be glad to help. She thought back to his comment and of his current situation, injured but unable to resist the hunt. It has been difficult resisting my bow, it just sits there its eagle carvings just staring at me... almost feel like I have to bury it soon just to keep from using it. She chuckled lightly. When they made it to the deer she nodded lightly to his appreciation and crouched beside him. She shut her eyes for a moment internally praying for the creature’s spirit, thanking it for its offer to the male and wishing it well on its life in the spirit world. She opened her eyes and looked to the male as he started to speak.

She smiled brightly. Kostya you may have just saved my life. I have been planning a journey and moments before you appeared I was thinking I would just have to postpone just for collecting meat. It’s quite amazing really that you arrived in perfect timing. She thought maybe the Great Spirit was smiling down upon her allowing her path to stay on track, but she shrugged. It could have been coincidence. She thought. I would have had plenty but my traps were found and robbed in the night... down side to living the lonesome life in unprotected lands. She watched the knife skilfully cut through the hide of the animal. Then after a moment of being transfixed she looked to his wounds. I’ll take a look at these.... but uh... be forewarned I’m not the greatest of healers... not really my thing. She loosened the bandage and pulled it back to inspect the wound. She sniffed lightly. Might need a little bit of cleaning giving off a little bit of a stench, a lot of it broke open but you should be fine and back to healing in no time. I think anyway. She smiled and rewrapped the bandage. We’ll check it out more once your done here. She motioned to the deer.

She knew the marks well when she saw the wound they had been etched into her memory since pup-hood. Many people in her clan encountered bears and it was an annual event for her family. So... a bit of a run in with a bear? Had my own chance... would’ve loved to gain the kill but it didn’t work out that way. She turned her body to show him her back, from the tip of her shoulder down to the center of her back was a massive group of claw marks from the powerful swipe of a grizzly. The lighter marks were starting to disappear into her fur but the large ones would always remain. She loved them and beamed with pride when she for the first time got to show them off to a fellow hunter. He fell to my JagerMeister’s hooves. My horse. She did not want to mention her ex-mate and at times couldn’t believe that the female had done such a thing until she saw the clawing in the crushed corpse. She was rather proud of them for saving her but she still wished she had the chance to gain the honour herself. In her old pack a bear kill was a great accomplishment.

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