[M] moonlit ride.
Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 312 :: Sorry this took so long.

It was about time he’d be heading back Helotes decided. He had been riding for most of the evening, outside of Inferni lands, bareback on the mare that Zana had found and followed by the mares frolicking filly. But now his ass hurt like nothing he had ever felt and sweat beaded up on his mare’s withers; even the foal was walking sleepily at its mother’s side. He had to admit though, the green horse was much better to deal with tired out of its mind then not and he was grateful for the small rest he was receiving now.

The dark Lykoi found himself in an open field and with a yawn he clicked his tongue and tugged the reigns of the mare to turn her around; she mutter but obliged and the three of them began their journey home towards Inferni, he was sure they would all sleep well tonight.

Ezekiel had made it clear that Helotes should learn how to ride well, so that he may learn horseback combat. But for now, before he could get a weapon in his hand, was the tediousness of breaking this mare and breaking his backside learning how to ride.

Suddenly, and without warning, there was a loud whoop to Helotes side. Him, the mare and her foal jerked at the sudden sound and she whinnied in fear and jerked on the reigns. He held her as best he could as his umber eyes searched frantically for the cause of the sound. He found it, in the distance a luperci riding through the starlit field on her own horse. The mare calmed, too tired to make much of a fuss about it. Helotes frowned and watched with keen eyes the light colored wolfess riding about a quarter mile to his left. He wondered if she would notice him, and somewhat hoped she wouldn’t.

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