take root and rise

Word Count → 666 :: Panda is an everyday poster pretty much, she's relatively close to myself in personality so it makes things easy. Also, that table is soooo hard to read, and my eyes aren't too sensitive. it's just the font is too light >.< thanks for making the font darker for me <3

The fear of sleep has left me tired and worn
But in her dreams is where I will haunt her

She looked like she was about to pop out those puppies any day now, but truth was, she was about three weeks until her due date. She figured that with the way she was showing now, that she was not going to just have one, but perhaps a full litter. It was something that scared her because she did not particularly want to watch after six little puppies all the time. She had been too nice to herself to not force pain upon herself so she would kill some of the puppies, but she sure did make sure to not stay in the den all that much. It put stress on her body to say the least, her being active and all, but she was an active being when she was not depressed and lazy. Since she had been feeling better and happy, she decided that it was time for an adventure. As time went on, even though often times she wanted to be alone, Venom would tag along with her. Today was definitely one of those days since she wasn't going to her normal spots, and Venom had read her aura consisting of a bright, clear orange, the sign of adventure. She would not get away from him this time. Even Serenade was curious as to where the two were going so he had gone with them.

There was idle chit chat between the two luperci, nothing in particular that they were talking about, for their conversations seemed to jump from this to that and back to this all over again. Both of their minds seemed to work to where they would easily transition between subjects and then switch back if there was something that needed to be said and wasn't said the first time around. They also did get a lot of talking done in that time that it took for them to be wandering from Anathema lands to the new packlands. There had been a rest or two because of the woman's condition, for she was suddenly grow tired, and she would want to smoke another joint and then continue their adventure. Venom did notice that the woman's adventurous aura did not deplete any since they had been on the journey to nowhere in particular.

They had passed through a series of tunnels and passed many trees. The white crow soon had taken his spot on the female's shoulder, gripping the cloak she wore around her shoulders. Her staff tapped the ground as she walked along, Venom, her equal, walking alongside her with his massive height and bulk looming next to her. His aura was less enthusiastic than hers, but this was only because his aura had been suppressed to keep wandering eyes guessing as to what he was feeling. Soon their journey had become silent and the sounds of a raven cawing in the distance had made Serenade's feathers ruffle and in turn he cawed back. Panda knew that the stubborn bird was being angry, and irrational, but if the bird needed to be shown who's boss, Panda was not one to step in unless her pet had been injured too harshly. Soon they would come upon a figure, an elderly by the looks of it. Panda would look to Venom and Venom cast his gaze over the elder woman. He found her aura to be interesting. It was a bright silver color, telling him that she was spiritually awakened, and she had been for some time now. Panda slowly moved towards the woman, and came around to where she was in front of the woman, but upon gazing over the woman's milky white eyes, she noticed that she was blind. Panda glanced to Venom whom joined her side. Hallo miss... You okay there? she asked, wondering, making sure that the woman was not harmed, which was why she would be sitting here alone like this. Then again the woman could be there for many different reasons, just like they were there.

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image © Nat!


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