the girl with kaleidoscope eyes
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He had always wondered what his mother looked like. Nani had told him that she looked a lot like Grandma Deuce, with the same eyes. Sirius didn't have the same kind of eyes that Grandma and his mom had, though...his were green. Did green run in the family, too? There was a lot that he would have to remember to ask his father when he went back home.

He didn't know what had happened, that he had fallen down or that he was now laying in a pile of glass shards. Small slivers of glass clung to his fur as he tried to get up, paws crunching up a few more pieces. His back hurt so badly! And his paws hurt, too, little stabs. Now that he was more aware of himself he realized that his leg had a sharp pain running through it, and that his head was beginning to pound, too.

Why did this have to happen to him? Everything hurt really, really bad...and where was his dad? Why wasn't someone here to help him? It was around the same time that the female approached that the small pup began sobbing, blood running down his face from a shallow cut in his forehead and dripping off the end of his nose. "I want my dad!! I want my daaaaaaddd! You're not my dad!"

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