Sky People

Belle paused collecting the random pieces of twigs and stones when the girl said their name. Shhh... they’ll hear you. She whispered and looked at the opening in the blanket of skeletal branches. Then she paused... She knew their name. She slightly edged back looking at the girl with a slight suspicion. The thought was quickly forgotten though when the dark socked female offered action against them. Fight them? Her eyes widened. But... but... no.... no we shouldn’t. There are too many. Her ears shifted back and forth in her frantic reaction and she started to walk away from the clearing.

Oh dear briskets, can imagine if they heard you. She looked back at the girl but the sun peaked from the cloud and the ray was back. She barked and whimpered before taking strides. RUN! She ran deeper this time diving into a leafless brush. She didn’t feel the pain of their small scratching until she was slowing her breath. She glanced back and forth attempting to find the female. When she had she wanted to cry again. I be tired of the running from them... let’s do it.

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