down and dirty

Zana was of an age where she should be attracted to males, and in a way she was, to quite a few, but they were all the wrong ones. She had a deep setted fear of getting with pups and mateship was far out of her mind too. The thoughts of the dead wolves perhaps being family had made her think further on families and what it would be like to have one of her own. She never spoke of it, but she had always felt a stab of jealousy when she saw a mother with her pups, but her fear was even deeper seated than her need for a family of her own. Besides, logic told her she needed to find someone who was even interested in her pathetic little self before life even started down that trail.

Lilac eyes for once didn't turn to meet his as Helotes words struck home. Zana didn't mind speaking of her past, not now, the family she had belonged to seemed to have faded away like ghosts anyhow, all she had left were those of the Lykoi clan, and she wasn't even for certain if the blood that flowed through her veins was the same as Ezekiel's, Helote's, and everyone else who had accepted her for who she was. She was silent a moment longer before finally she gave in and gave up the ghosts.

"I was born into the Phoenix Valley pack. My mother was their leader, a wolf. She did this to me..." She said, as she pulled off her silly cloak and quickly unraveled the ribbons that curled along the base of her tail all the way to the powderpuff that clung to the tip. There was nothing beneath the fur but puckered bare skin, scars long healed but hairless as a possum's tail. She sighed slightly and stared at the scars for a moment before she picked the ribbons up once more, fully intent on retying them in place, but she knew Helotes deserved the whole story, not the shortened version.

Dropping the ribbons she turned small lost eyes towards his face as she admitted. "My mother did not leave me with her name. I am not a Sadira, nor was my half bred brother. All her perfect children with pure blood carry on the Sadira line.. but she called me Zana Avaya Lykoi." She flicked a small pebble away before she continued. "Gabriel, Ezekiel's father accepted me into the clan when I ran away from my pack. I just wanted to find my father..I never did. I've never had proof that my blood is the same as yours..but Gabriel and Ezekiel accepted me for who I was.." And now Gabriel was gone and she wondered if she was even the offspring of one of the males of the Lykoi line. There was no one to prove her one way or another, though it was obvious that some sort of man with coyote blood had to be her father. "it doesn't matter anymore to me.. I belong here because I'm wanted here." She said firmly as her determined eyes meet Helotes, almost daring him to challenge that.[/html]

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