Selling sea shells by the sea shore..

Hi ;D

The beach wasn't a place where Alexey's chinchillidae partner felt at ease. Dunes of sand were a little too high for him, causing him to struggle greatly with simple tasks such as walking. Not to mention, occasional high waves overlapping the shoreline would often wet his fur and pull him in a little deeper into the ocean until the Koios female had no choice but to pick him up. She didn't mind though. Pickles was more than her pet, he was her baby; a cure against loneliness, and her best friend. He'd been around since her puppy days, and although her sire had never been fond of her making friends with presumed food, Alexey had managed to get her way and keep him. Her sister Adelaida eventually took a liking to the crepuscular rodent too.

That day she'd taken off early in the morning, letting her sibling catch up on some sleep. And yet, quickly enough, she found herself regretting that decision. Her jaw dropped wide open as she watched the spectacle unfolding before her with great interest and disbelief. Consequently, her reaction caused Pickles to land face first in sand. As hot-headed as he was, the chinchilla promptly threw a fit of shrill cries to express his infuriation. That eventually all came to a halt as he, too, laid eyes on the two-legged mutant standing a few feet away from them. They had carelessly smacked into an abnormal being; a creature she could only imagine to be pure evil. Protectively, Alexey moved a paw in front of her friend and pulled him close to her body. She called out to the male, feeling both scared and curious at the same time. "What the heck are you?"

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