[M] moonlit ride.
Helotes Lykoi

Word Count → 289 :: OOC

It was interesting to him how horses seemed to get along so well even upon meeting new individuals they had never seen before. The two mares nibbled the grass, heads right next to each other as the fill mimicked them before lying down in the grass next to the mother and readily passing out. Helotes grinned and looked over to Dixie as she spoke.

She mentioned Texas being south, which made sense to him, that’s where his mother’s side of the family hailed from. She also mentioned there were a lot of Spanish speaking canines there, which also made sense; perhaps this monochrome wolfess wasn’t as dull as she had first appeared. Helotes straightened up and crossed his arms and turned to look at her full on, giving her his undivided attention. She asked why he was out here so long and where he came from, Just getting this mare used to my weight, she’s somewhat green. And I come from one of the northern packs, forgive me if I don’t give its name. He recalled the conversation he had shared with Ezekiel and Zana, how they had spoken about the relationships with the other packs and how they knew little of those packs to south and therefore to be wary of them. Helotes guessed Dixie must be part of a southern pack, due to their current location.

The ivory femme then outwardly mentioned the formation of a new pack and Helotes ears perked. A new pack? He wondered if Ezekiel had heard of this, Oh? No I did not know, where is it located? What is the nature of this pack? He wondered if she was just making light conversation or if she was trying to recruit him.

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