I'm at the edge of a dream

Cue the Salsola scout <_< also, wretch is so cute!
Words: 361

Maggie was, to be honest, quite enjoying the new responsibilities given to her. As a newly-promoted Family member, she had chosen to show her loyalty to her home by making sure no one crept into the territory without her knowing. There had been that asshole of a wolf that she was required to kill; ever since that day, Maggie had taken to aimlessly walking the lines of the border all day long. Terah had been a rather large headache as well; she had found her and made her turn away from Salsola. The stranger had been stubborn and irritating, but as Maggie figured, it probably was just a part of the job and she’d have to deal with it as a regular occurrence.

On this particular morning, Maggie was patrolling on the other side of the river, having learned that this was where most strangers lurked. Most were too afraid to step any closer into the land, and Maggie didn’t blame them; Salsola valued secrecy, after all, and little was known about them to the outside world. Maggie had let it slip to Foxglove that this was her home and she had given several crucial details to her sister about her pack; while Eris nor Larkspur punished her for that, the new Family member still felt incredibly guilty for her lapse in thinking. That wouldn’t happen again. Foxglove floated through her mind as the lithe optime lady leaned against a tree, untangling the many necklaces draped around her neck. She never took them off, even at night, so this was a daily ritual for her.

Maggie’s ears twitched to the left as she heard a rustling through the trees. Curious, she stopped leaning on the tree and took off at a quickened pace. Before too long Maggie found the source of the sound; a rather pathetic looking wolf sitting on a tree trunk, a defeated look written all across her face. “Who are you?” Maggie asked sternly, though not aggressively. She grazed her finger along the blade of her little knife on the string absentmindedly, Maggie staring into the blue of eyes of the stranger before her.

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