Selling sea shells by the sea shore..

Hia^^ lets have fun =D

Des turned quickly around and stared directly at the odd pair. He had never seen a wolf in company of food before, and weirder, he had never seen a wolf protect its food from being attacked. He looked at the rodent, there wasn’t much meat on it, and besides, he was too stuffed with rabbits to bother to fight the female for it. A thought struck him; what the hell did she eat? How funny would it be if he had made friends with a deer and till kept on hunting them? He smirked.

The female looked slightly confused, Desaevio couldn’t understand why, it was she who was the freak, a cute freak though.

I‘m Desaevio Caesius, filix in Dahlia de Mai, luperci by birth. he had never introduced himself like that before, usually he just uttered his name and that was it. But this one seemed a bit scared so a proper introduction was in order to hopefully calm her down a bit. Had he been of the attacking type, he wouldn’t have bothered to tell her his name, well maybe, if he was about to kill her. Everyone should know the name of their killer, it was proper etiquette to tell someone who was about to kill them. That was the belief he had been taught and had grown up with. There were a lot of wolves waiting for him on the other side, and when that time came, he was ready to face them and repent their death. But not now, he was still alive.

He raved over her like a dark shadow, the only light spot on him was his grey bluish chest that stretched all the way down to his crotch. He took a couple of steps closer to her and sat down, so he would at the same height as her and stretched out his hand to her. And who might you be? he smiled and tilted his head slightly to the left, the wind blew in his mane so the turquoise beads made little clicking sounds.


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