A bored afternoon

You used to play Bellus! I forgot that (or didn't hear it before).

"I'm sorry to hear that," Skoll replied. "I come from the far north as well, though coats like mine are less common up there." It was quite peculiar. White and gray/white mixed coats were most common where he'd lived, at least in the other packs he'd seen. His mother and father possessed coloration more common to southern canines, though.

"And no, it isn't boring. What would be boring is if you were here because you were born here, had been here all your life, and all you had to show for it was basic hunting skills. Any traveler is going to have a more exciting tale to tell than someone who stayed at home, though staying at home might be the more ideal life path to choose." He furrowed his brow as he contemplated that. Stories generally were made interesting by conflict and risk...the best stories certainly came at a high price to the characters within, provided they were true.

"As for me...I was exiled from my pack around when I turned one year of age, as a result of barren hunting grounds and being the one mouth to feed too many. I decided to become a warrior when I discovered that I possessed a hereditary trait that those in my line called "HawkWind's Gift." I fight differently now than I did back then, relying more on skill than the previously mentioned trait. My life as a traveling warrior led me here, and I settled down after meeting an old relative of mine who had taken up residence in a pack called Storm." Probably the most concise version of his history he'd ever given someone, but similar to Desaevio, he has held back some key details.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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