take root and rise
No prob :3. I don't use the new skin, so I didn't know it wasn't forcing the text to be black.
We'll kindle a Fire, A light 'neath the Moon & Sun

Bran quorked loudly and flapped his wings as the new faces approached, with a crow perched atop the shoulders of a black and white female. 'Corn!' He screeched, beady eyes focused on the smaller bird that drew closer. The half-moon piercing tinkled lightly into the autumn air as Neha flicked an ear in the direction, but did not turn her full attention towards them. They would come, she knew, and soon their scents would clearly tell the crone what her useless eyes could not. Slowly, she shuffled towards a boulder that jutted from the earth like a hand, offering comfort, and the jackayote took a seat and patiently awaited the children of the earth.

Both hands clutched at the tall staff, the raven still perched atop, unsure of what to make of the wolves or the bird traveling with them. When the female spoke, Nehalennia's gaze still remained tilted to the sky, towards the warm sun. Soon winter would be coming, and the sky would soon grow dark and cold. "The question is, child, are you?" She spoke in a distant voice, something a part of her and also otherworldly. The silver elder turned in the direction of the voice, nostrils flaring at the multitude of scents that followed. The pregnant woman was not alone, and did not carry the same scent that belonged to those of Ichika. They were, however, part of the earth, and Nehalennia felt no danger among their presence, especially when the female carried children soon to be born onto Her soil. The hybrid's milky gaze did not falter, swirling in their depths as she looked to them, and beyond. "You're from another land, child, but this worries me not. We are all part of the earth, this I know." She nodded to further confirm her words, her long braid swinging idly in front of her.

"Tell me, what brings an expectant mother and father along the mountains this day?" Without awaiting an answer to the query, however, she spoke again. "Could not resist the earth's sweet song, could you?" An understanding, yellow grin spread across her face, keeping her gaze on the male and female. Whatever reasons they had, there was a reason they had traveled along the rocky paths and found the silver, grizzled woman among it that day.


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Table by Kiki!

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