Day After Day...
Rain pulled her close as she cried out. She had been having nightmares and he didn't understand why. She thrashed and cried and shook and at one point he strattled her and put her arms above her head to keep her from her from hurting herself. She murmured herself and Rain licked her softly before getting off her as she woke. He was so worried about her and let her into his arms and instinctivly his hands went around her lithe body, absentmindly stroking her scar. She was so scared she was going to lose him and as she whispered her love for him he whispered his back, telling her that she would be alright and that nothing would happen to her.

He lay them back down and pulled Sam up against him, smiling at her comment. She was from Rio, her fur thinner then his. She wasn't used to the cold and he wondered if she had ever been in snow. Hide and go seek would be hard for him with most of her fur being white. He himself was boarderline white but had grey on his face and legs and chest. He was thinking about how funny it would be to play hîd and seek in the snow when Lu a jump attacked him, nipping his fingers, not liking being ignored. He rolled away from Sam with a groan and rawred at the otter, sending her scurrying away in mock terror. Rain ran after her and picked her up with a laugh and playfully nipped her all over. It wasn't until Sam asked about Germany did he stop playing with her.
Was möchten Sie wissen? he asked softly.

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