once upon & once up high
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ooc: 320 Words

The cries of her companion owl were what brought her ritual border marking to an abrupt halt. As she lifted her muzzle skyward in awe of her companion's graceful aerobatics, her ears perked forward at the sound of a call, unfamiliar and curious. The woman hadn't heard such a sound in a long time and it filled her with excitement, her trembling maw eager to respond. A guest! This was news worth the screeching of her avian friend and warranted her full attention.

The Nomad left the borders as they were, still drenched in Ichika scent but the flowers had yet to be rearranged. She could come back to them provided time permitted. Hastily, she pulled herself to stand on Optime legs and proceeded with lengthy strides. Her towering form strode across the land with purpose, albeit casually so as not to come off as overly eager. No need to frighten the perspective off with her over zealous show. Since her reunion with her adoring ompre Saluce, the warrior was in fairly better spirits, more eager to act, to reclaim her part of the pack family than distance herself as she had been. Her actions now were all part of this claim.

Once she had crossed the valley, the woman let her voice sing in greeting to the other, bidding welcome as well as patience. As she neared the border, she was not stunned, but elated to see a wolf upon four legs... though the face was clearly not all wolf. She was reminded of the brief encounter she had had with another of similar build and facial structure, but lacked the more slender nose of the other. A hybrid...but of another kind. Her tail waved excitedly as she lifted a hand, palm forward, in greeting. "Good day to you," she uttered softly, offering her welcome in a subtle bow. "To whom do I have the pleasure of greeting?"


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