once upon & once up high
She had finally got a break from Sarian. The little pup was wearing her out and it was about time Shiloh got out and did something. She was out looking for wood, her charm bracelet from Also clanking softly as she moved though the surrounding woods. Also made her heart race and her knees shake. He made her feel beautiful and Shiloh wanted to be with him. Sarian made her happy but Aleo made her feel something other then the pain she normally had. She had been dreaming about him again since their last visit and she couldn't wait to see him again.

Shiloh had been lost in thought when she heard the call of a new stranger. Someone to make friends with. Shiloh put down her things and ran in her secui form, the autumn wind running though her thickining fur. She approached the boarders only to see X'yrin already there. Last time the two had talked X'yrin had been extremely down. She seemed to be in higher spirits now and Shiloh smiled at the woman softly

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