if i cut off your arms, cut off your legs
Hope Samael likes puppy. :o (327)[html]

He’d show Sirius. That little brat thought he was so high and mighty running off all the time and exploring everything on his own. He had even come back to Twilight Vale in order to brag about how he had run off to Shadowed Sun to live with their father. Apollo knew that was why he came back. There was no other explanation for it. Apparently he claimed to have been searching for Apollo to see if he was still alive considering he had been left alone, but Apollo knew better. His brother was an annoying asshole and he just didn’t know it yet.

But Apollo would show him. He had left Twilight Vale and traveled along the shattered coast alone. It wasn’t that big of a deal, really. It was mostly boring and the scenery was awful compared to back home. Everything was rocky and made his paws hurt – not to mention the land often swept away into cliffs and caves and the only way out was down into the jagged shore below. He kept going past that place until he came to the old human city. He knew he was only about half way there, but already he was tired of this.

This place was no better. If the youth would have known any swear words, he probably would have used them in describing this place. It was a concrete wasteland and he didn’t see any glory in it. What was Sirius thinking? He brother was stoo-pid. He stepped around brush and trees that had long pushed their way through the cracked concrete. This street which once had been traveled by noisy cars and bustling pedestrians was now occupied by dead brush and dying greenery, not to mention the crumbling concrete and broken glass from buildings. And a lone white wolf pup with mismatched eyes. He looked up to an old hospital building and his lip curled in a sneer. This place sure was hideous.


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