Excitement and Adventures!

That's fine with me, shall we have one more post each and then close this one up? Then we can start the next one! So much has happened it'll be good for them to have a catch up Smile WC: 861

The young patchwork girl had already joined her brown companion in feeling as if the pair had been friends forever, since their birth and not merely a few weeks. They were almost as close as family to one another, that was how Robin felt anyway, the whole pack were family and she was very pleased that she could consider Liam to be as important to her as family. She could not help but smile as she looked at him, watching his movements, in some ways they revealed his feelings, the large male seemed to have a lot of deep thinking going on beneath his calm exterior. The small girl was learning his little habits and ticks, learning to read him; she saw him as being her closest friend and so she wanted to know everything about him, she wanted to be the one who knew him best of all of the wolves in the pack, all of the wolves in his life, just as she wanted him to know her better than her siblings or any of the rest of the pack. The small Aatte did not know why she felt this way, she simply wanted to be close to this male, to be his best friend for his whole life. She just felt that there was something that the pair were destined to do, something that they were meant to do, something that would be important and life changing, they were going to do something wonderful, she new this, she could just feel it, they would prove themselves to be brave and noble and good members of the pack.

She had thought all of this before she had started running from the large vampires on their horses, perhaps she should have mentioned it to the male before they began this fight; she suddenly realised this as the danger of the situation occurred to her, after all they were fighting very fearsome foes, what if they did not win? What if the vampires managed to throw them into submission and defeated them? That could not happen, the pack would be in grave danger if the two young warriors ended up not being able to fight off these vampire pirates, if they failed then the pack would surely be doomed. The idea that her father would be easily able to see these large creatures off, along with the King of course, did not factor in the young female's mind, at this moment she and Liam were the only line of defence against these huge, cruel creatures. She watched as Liam was grabbed by the throat and panic suddenly swelled in her chest, for a moment she was ready to race across the land and attempt to rescue him, she could not lose him now, not now she had realised that he was destined to be her best friend forever, she was not about to see him fall to the horrid enemy. Unfortunately she was not in a position to go and help him, she was cornered by the large vampires on their horses, they seemed infuriated at the death of their companion, the injured horse lay upon the ground, attempting to bite at the young Aatte's ankles, and the other vampires and their steeds were getting slowly closer to her, advancing on her with cold eyes. With a shout it seemed that Liam had fallen from the branch, Robin began to get nervous, it seemed that these vampires were tough enemies, she did not want to lose her friend to them. But almost as soon as he cried that the vampire had pushed him from the tree he called that he had gotten a branch, the patchwork female's ears caught all of this, her eyes were not upon the brown Catori male, her eyes were locked on the vampires that were getting closer and closer. With a careful stab she managed to end the life of the horse, which puffed into a cloud of ash and purple smoke, this got rid of one of the problems, there was now nothing aiming to bite her feet and ankles.

But the small female was still being cornered, boxed in by the remaining two vampires, with a loud war cry one of them forced its two headed horse into a rear, aiming to kick the young girl in the face, luckily she was a quick creature and managed to skip out of the way quickly. At the same time she plunged her stick into the horse's chest, causing it to disappear as the other had done, the vampire was suddenly sat in thin air and fell to the ground with an undignified thud. At this moment she saw Liam advancing, saying that he had killed his enemies and asking if she wanted help.
"Yes! Do come and help please brave warrior!" The little female shouted, the vampire that had lost his horse had stood up, his full height being very imposing and he had drawn his sword. The small female held her stick up in defence and a rather intense sword fight began, the other vampire turning his horse to deal with the Catori male.

Table by Marie Lyrics and image copyright disney

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