once upon & once up high
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ooc: 322 Words

The Nomad always applauded curiosity, and this moment was no exception. Brilliant light returned to her face as the darker lady's inquiry was made and promptly taken by Shiloh. Her tail swayed at leisure, whining adoringly to the young girl as she bid the warrior a compliment. "It is true, we are a family here," she added on top of the younger girl's claim. "However it is deeper than that. We seek to grow bonds with each other not only through the tasks we share but through interaction and events. It was not long ago that we had a celebration; Samhain, bringing together members of different tasks to rejoice."

Such bonding acts the woman was very fond of and it showed through her exuberant tone. The way her voice seemed to swell with awe, exhaling rolling octaves of mirth. "We are a gathering of many wolves," she continued. "With varying creeds and abilities seeking to find solace within each other and bring the best out of each other. But there lies the challenge; it is not easy to do so, but we are rewarded generously when we have met these personal goals." The Nomad brought a hand to her chest whilst humbly lowering her head. "I speak of this from experience, having been worn by the trials, but made better by them in the end."

As she righted herself once more, the Nomad extended her hand in gesture, offering the woman a chance to speak. Again the practices of her culture rearing itself. Mistaking the extending arm as a gesture to rest, her eve watchful companion swept down to claim the arm for himself. His descend was silent, not even a hoot as he fell upon her forearm then hopped awkwardly to rest upon her shoulder. "But if I may ask Dusk," she continued as if the creature's presence warranted no specialized attention. "Where do you hail from? Have you traveled far?"


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