lost in my own backyard

Cercelee tilted her head thoughtfully at the girl. Perhaps what she said was true for many, but Cercelee had never know peer pressure to be of any concern, or any type of pressure from anyone. She did what she wanted for the most part and when it came to the pack she would do what she had to, but other that what was best for the pack she lived with no restrictions. And rarely did she go out of her way to please someone if she did not wish to. No one had really had any real sway over her, and on certain matters she even refused all opinions but her own. At times Cercelee could be completely surrounded by others and yet be completely apart from them, living in her own world. A world that so far no one else had fully penetrate.

Cercelee smiled sympathetically at the girl as she spoke of her siblings. Of course, Cercelee could not really sympathize. Her siblings were long dead and she had less than three months worth of memories from them, the only time she had spent walking besides them was in her dreams. And they were always young, they would never grow up in her mind, and so the biggest concern for her brothers was if they could catch a butterfly and the most meaningful conversation she had with them was who could run the fastest. But of course, she would always wake up and rarely when waking did she think of them. Cercelee had walked alone most of the time, the closest she could come to knowing what Firefly was missing was the longing Cer had for Coli. But even Coli’s absence had been accepted and Cercelee did not bother thinking about her cousin much either.

Laughing her sweet, warm laugh, Cercelee shrugged. She had no real set hobbies, and she could not blame her lack of hobbies with being busy as a leader either. Even before then, she had never committed herself to any one activity. Others had asked her what she liked to do, and she hated telling them nothing, because that was not true. Cercelee did what she felt like would be fun at the time and once it ceased to be fun she ceased to engage in that activity. I like to wander beaches and count the stars... Those were two things she never tired of. But she was hard pressed to come up with more. Oh. And enjoy a nice storm. She hoped it was start to thunder soon.


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