I'm at the edge of a dream

I'm so sorry for the long wait on this. It won't happen again! <33 I was away at my boy's and his parents had no internet (which I was not aware of previously XD) and I had no cell reception out there ;_; Friggin rural Illinois. <3 And noway, Magnolia is awesomerrr :333

She felt slightly bolder than she had in the past. Wretch was the type to avoid visiting others and interacting with others as much as she could; she kept to herself and found inspiration in her own imaginary worlds, much of the time. She was a girl obsessed with what her own mind could create; things in the real world were too scary most of the time, causing her much anxiety and fear. Her own imagination could take her to places that comforted her. Wretch was very tired and allowed herself to drift into a light sleep, aqua eyes closing and breath coming slower than before.

The young female was startled awake by a nearby voice, and she immediately leaped to her feet. She had no idea how long she had been asleep, if it had been hours or minutes, and she cleared her throat so she could reply to the other canine. She did not raise her eyes from the ground, though the necklaces around Magnolia's neck practically begged her to. The D'Angelo girl was a collector of jewelry herself, but was not so lavishly adorned; she had only a few bracelets around each wrist.

Wretch D'Angelo..I..Um..I think my family members may be here? I don't...I only saw one, Pandemic. But..I don't know. I think he lives here..I just wanted to see him Her nose twitched as she took in the scent that Magnolia brought with her; had she been around Pandemic recently? Wretch couldn't tell. She didn't know if this pack would welcome her in to talk or if they would make her stay outside of the borders...or if they would even be willing to tell her whether Pandemic was inside the borders.

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