if i cut off your arms, cut off your legs
mm, with bbq sauce. ;]
        Rain was still falling outside. He could hear the constant pounding of the droplets before he even reached the hospital door. Pushing through, he brushed aside a stray strand of hair that had escaped from the loose ponytail tied behind his head. With inspiration and vision came a new drive to the Lykoi. The broken creature he had been becoming, mind frayed and cracked beyond recognition and relevance would be replaced by a new madman. A true madman, and perhaps more of the creature he was meant to be. Samael was a prince and a savior. A fallen devil living in the shadows and devouring but the weak and the mice was far from the fate destined for such a being. Greatness was his purpose. Greatness was the reason his father had arrived from hell and combined with Kaena to create him. His father had been nothing—a vessel but for the seed to be planted and grow into a plague and a legacy. A monster and a maelstrom to wreak havoc on the world. To leave behind but burned plains and bloodshed.
        It had been a vision. Light in the darkness, like a star in the blackened skies of nighttime that lead him toward his future. He had fallen prey to mortal affliction and become a disgrace. A prince turned whore—trash to be used and abused before abandon. A lowly prostitute with dreams of grandeur and a thing of amusement. A laughing stock. Hand rose out before him, allowing the raindrops to collect in his palm and drip down his wrist. Wrist and arm scarred with the marks of his betrayal. He was truly a thing of beauty. But this beauty was marred and scarred by thousands of marks that were carved into his flesh, leaving behind the knotted, twisted white scars of broken flesh and weakness. Crimson gaze shifted, noticing a small white creature peering up at the hospital. Crouching down, Samael watched the thing with interest, a smile growing on his lips. It was a kindly look. A fatherly, brotherly expression that belied his true intent. "Here, boy," he said lightly, extending a hand toward the child. "What are you doing outside, all alone?"

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