the crumbling difference between wrong and right
xD Shandom's so confused about her name. Sorry for the delay, love.

He took her delicate hand in his, clasping it firmly. It is a pleasure, Princess Chance, the male smiled, his good eye twinkling merrily. Shandom could not help but be curious as to whether or not her name was actually Princess or if that were merely her title; however, he did not ask. Something told him it would be rather rude, and he wasn't exactly interested in antagonizing someone who might just be a Princess, and therefore extremely high in the pack. He decided it was probably rank, and would treat her as such until he discovered differently.

The half blind man retreated, discretely wiping away the last of the blood from his lips. There was a slight rusty hue around them, but he otherwise looked slightly more civilized - slightly being the operative term, of course. She inquired as to whether or not he was new to the lands, and the male gave her a sheepish grin. I admit I am rather new, Princess, but not so new that I should not have met such a lovely woman as yourself. No, I have instead kept to myself, rather, discovering all these lands and the surrounding ones have to offer. Shandom found himself rather long winded as of late, but the male was not embarrassed: she asked a question, and he provided her an answer.

Shandom leaned casually against the tree once more, crossing his arms over his chest. So, my lady, what's a lovely little thing like yourself doing all the way out here, alone? Certainly there must be someone to accompany such a pretty Princess. His tone was cheeky, relaxed; Shandom had no qualms with flirtation, regardless of rank. It crossed his mind briefly that the female might be mated, but it was a fleeting thought - he wasn't particularly concerned with the idea. Now that he'd gotten past the incredibly strange clothes and hairstyle, he found her quite appealing.

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